Saturday, September 2, 2017

Love God and Love One Another

Dear Friends in Christ,

It’s not about me!  In this age of flux and uncertainty, we need to speak truth to power. And usually that power is not an individual but rather systems or institutions that have become a gated community which set themselves apart by keeping most of the world outside established and rigid boundaries.  The people belonging to these institutions (inside the gates) are told that they are the “in” group while everyone else is the “out” or wrong group.  You don’t have to go very far to see this play out in our families, in our communities, and in our world.

Jesus’ main message in the gospels is one of a bigger, more inclusive point of view.  God’s point of view! It is a message of oneness and inclusion.  We are all the same, yet different!  What does that mean?  Think of your own family, or job, or the groups you belong to.  The sameness comes from sharing the same core values, and the differences come in the way we each have specific ways in which we process and interact in the world.  Each person has unique talents, tendencies and DNA, but in order to belong to the group, individuals must all share the group’s core values.  For us here at Grace Church our core values can be summed up in the first sentence of our mission statement: Grace is God’s gift of unconditional love made known to us in Jesus Christ. 

Jesus told us that the entirety of God’s word, God’s laws, and the prophets’ teachings can be summed up in one statement: “Love God and Love one another.”  So this is the Christian core value and all things should point to this understanding.  Now our differences are vast, and the Apostle Paul describes these differences in the metaphor of our body parts. All have different functions but share the same body.  He was directing the churches of his day to keep to Jesus’ core values and everything else would fall into place.  We then become the Body of Christ revealing God’s values in a broken world and reconciling us to God’s unconditional love.

The Body of Christ is a metaphor for the rich diverseness of all creation, including us humans. Taken together, we are all collectively a reflection of our creator. We are all interdependent, and we all share different unique gifts and talents which cause us to work together towards a common goal.  When that common goal is an earthly institution, system, or ruler we will always come up short.  But when that common goal is loving God and loving one another, we will always succeed; we then align with our creator and creation.

But life isn’t easy, and folks want all the answers. Life is a beautiful, sad, awesome, painful, joyful mystery!  Emma Higgs writes: “Following Jesus was never supposed to be about having a static set of beliefs.  To have faith in Jesus is to embrace a new way of being in the world; a way of upside-down priorities, countercultural inclusion, radical forgiveness and ultimate sacrifice.  And the best word we have to that is love.”  The reason everything seems upside down is that we made everything about us at the expense of those outside our way of thinking, including nature itself.  Life (and God) is a wondrous mystery, and when we gain the wisdom to realize this world is not about us, then we will find that all the answers we seek will, in fact, begin with unconditional love. 

In today’s upside down world, we must be as one crying out in the wilderness.  Love God and Love one another!  Our world has become, in many ways, a spiritual desert, and our voices compete with all the noise and voices crying out to so many other gods corporations, governments, money, drugs, technology etc, etc.  And no, these things are not evil, but our worshipping them at the expense of everything and everyone else is. 

These are exciting times, my friends.  Change is never easy; but we have an opportunity at this time and place to help reconcile the world.  So when the voices of the world get too loud, the best way to show the world a better way is simply by living a life focused on God and one another…with love. 

Your faithful servant,


Monday, August 21, 2017

Dancing With God

Dancing With God

In my life, and especially in the roles of father, manager, and deacon, many people often ask my advice.  I am humbled by the fact that they think I have some wisdom that they themselves don’t have access to.  I know we can all learn something from one another.  As I often tell my children “to learn from your mistakes is intelligent, but to learn from another’s mistakes is wisdom.”

Many people look to the internet for answers or even to the bible.  People will always find what they are looking for somewhere or another.

The issue however is not always one of higher thinking.  Sometimes the answers are subtle and are found in the realm of feelings.  Does it feel right or is something feeling forced, or just not quite right.  Often we dismiss this non-cerebral wisdom for the intelligence in our rationally thinking heads.

As Christians we must learn to trust our hearts as well - for that is the realm of God.  The ways of Jesus doesn’t always make sense, but they always feel right!  This is often where the ways of the world clashes with the ways of Jesus.  When looking for wisdom – pray…but then listen, not only with your mind and your five senses but listen also with your heart.  Jesus doesn’t always present himself to our minds.  Sometimes we just feel him, like a silent partner in a universal dance – and it feels just right!

I came upon the following passage which illustrates the concept of God’s wisdom in our lives.

When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing 'dance' at the end of the word.  I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.   When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.  The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.   When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.  It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. 

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance. When I saw 'G': I thought of God, followed by 'u' and 'i'.  'God, 'u' and 'i' dance.'  God, you, and I dance!

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. 

Sometimes when we are looking for all the answers sometimes it’s just best to let God lead.  That’s what many of us consider Grace. So dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through the challenges of this life.  Then you truly will be “dancing with the stars” (of the universe) in the form of their creator!

Your Faithful Servant,


Friday, July 21, 2017

Social Justice

 The Heart of Discipleship Website

Many Christians are wary of participating in social justice issues because of a deep-rooted fear of being labeled: liberal, progressive, secular etc.  We can become uncomfortable delving into issues that go beyond our cultural comfort zones.  But the Bible tells us that Jesus cared deeply about the social issues around him.  Jesus showed us that Samaritan, children, leper’s, and women’s lives mattered.  And even though Jesus loves everyone, even to the point of dying for our sins, he went out of his way to intentionally point out the alienated, marginalized, and those facing injustice…those considered outsiders.

So participating in movements seeking justice, reform, and empowerment is one of the most Christ-like things we can do. It can’t be just about us.  In Israel fig trees are planted for future generations.  The planter may never see the tree bear fruit, yet they will tend it for their lifetime for others. Here in this country those in power tend to see only to the next quarter’s profits, making short term decisions with long term adverse effects to those at the margins and to our planet.  Poverty, Climate Change, Equality, so many groups and communities are facing systemic oppression.

We must be willing to admit and address the complex realities within our world that create such problems, and avoid relying on generic excuses and solutions.  We can do a disservice to the gospel message by removing the cultural context from Jesus’s ministry and watering down his message to one of generic one-size-fits-all models or cliché’s and platitudes.  We also like to identify specific scripture passages which support our particular view on things. Throughout the New Testament Jesus was complicated and radical.  He intentionally and passionately addressed the diverse and complicated conflicts of the time and shattered the status quo.

Jesus wasn’t just preaching a universal salvation message for the world, but he was also addressing specific political, social, and racial issues. He was helping those who were being abused, violated, and oppressed…he made visible those who society and the system made powerless and invisible.

Throughout the world there are millions of people who are suffering. We must fight apathy, ignorance, or the refusal to even think that any problems exist.  Participating in social justice is a Christian tradition inspired by Jesus. It’s a deeply spiritual practice.  Instead of being motivated by political affiliations, financial gain, power, pride, control, or our own secular motivations, we should be active disciples, following Jesus — for the purpose of glorifying God through acts of justice, empowerment, and love.

Because everyone is created in the image of God and loved by God, we are responsible for identifying with the victimized — not rejecting their existence.  Now while God does love everyone and all believers are united in Christ, this doesn’t negate the fact that we have a unique cultural identity and upbringing and are called to recognize the marginalized, help the oppressed, and avoid rejecting their significance by denying their identity or ignoring their plight.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we do these things? …and Jesus will answer “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these you did for me.”

Your faithful servant,


Friday, September 16, 2016

Whose Life Really Matters to You?
 "Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It's not I love you for this or that reason, not I love you if you love me. It's love for no reason, love without an object." - Ram Dass

     Jesus was a Jew, one of God’s chosen people.  He was a Rabbi, a teacher of the Law.  He was a healer, imbued by the Spirit of God. He was a prophet, one who shines a light on the system and breaks open the status quo in order to see God in a new and bigger way. And all of these labels carried cultural expectations of what the Jewish people understood about who God was…and just as important who they were as a people group – a tribe. And all Jews DID agree on one thing…they were the “in” group with God and everyone else were outsiders. So there’s us and there’s them.  And the Jews saw the Messiah figure (another label for Jesus) as a King who would unite Israel under one God and of course cast everyone else out who didn’t belong or matter. 

     But the walls were built not only around Jerusalem…but also around their tribe… yet what Jesus was most concerned with, was the walls that God’s people built around their hearts. Throughout Luke’s Gospel this year we heard about enemy Roman soldiers who were faithful. We heard about the hated Samaritans and their goodness, we heard about the sinners witnessing God’s presence in the world...

     Jesus is comforting the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable – the “in group”.  Jesus is breaking down the walls that have been so carefully constructed to ensure that God’s people remained pure and apart. Jesus made sure to be “present” to everyone… especially those at the very margins of His society: to show them that Samaritan lives mattered, Lepers lives mattered, Women and Children’s lives mattered, even Roman’s lives mattered to God…all these people groups at the time of Jesus didn’t matter to the chosen people of God!  I wonder if anything has changed today?

     Isn’t that what we claim to be…the people of God? Jesus is saying there is no “outside” group to God! That we are all a part of a larger family where everyone belongs, everyone is worthy, everyone matters and everyone is loved. 

     Ultimately you get to choose what groups we belong to…but if you wish to follow Jesus then you are required to be Christ’s light in the world…to shine forth hope, love and grace into the dark recesses of the world where those at the margins are told by the world that they do not belong.

     What is the state of your heart?  That’s what all this comes down to.  Is your heart self-serving or focused on God and one another?  Is your heart closed or open?  What motivates you fear or love?

     In the end it’s not about slogans and clichés’ - whose lives matter more or less.  I think deep down every Christian knows that ALL lives matter to God…and that is very good news indeed, especially to the who have been marginalized. But what Jesus came to ask God’s Chosen People was “what lives matter to you?”  The Christian response should always be a “one on one” affair of the heart…where one person shows another person - that your life matters to me. That is when Christ’s love is poured out into the world. Imagine what the world would be like if folks instead wore shirts that said YOUR LIFE MATTERS TO ME! Imagine if we treated ALL those we came in contact with as children of God. For God there is no outside group! You are all children of God and Jesus is challenging us to start acting like it.

     So may you have eyes to see those that the world has made invisible, and may you have the courage to be present with those who are hurting. It will cost you something, but that very act will gain you everything! For in seeking the lost, you will indeed be found!

Your faithful servant, carmen

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

God Talk Adult Formation 2016/2017
The Heart of Discipleship

Come see & experience God's story and have the Bible and your faith come alive!

            The Heart of Discipleship is excited to present a Christian adult formation series of webinars that will enrich your understanding of the Bible as well as strengthen your relationship with God and others.

            Is God Relevant in your life? The Deacon Carmen J. Viola will be pointing us towards self-discovery and a bigger way of seeing and experiencing God. Let those who have eyes see! Carmen’s webinars will use visuals from his new book as well as images from his trips to Israel to make biblical concepts come alive.  Come join us.  If you sign up before Sept 30th you will also receive the PDF copy of The Heart of Discipleship for free.

            It has often been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” During the Middle Ages, churches used vivid imagery, including stained glass windows and paintings, to tell God’s story. Prior to the modern era, most people could not read or write so they relied on pictures and religious interpreters to understand the Bible. Pictures, for many of us, are still a powerful way to share stories and understand biblical context.

            The book by Carmen Viola is beautifully illustrated and involves you in the ongoing conversation and narrative of what it means to follow Jesus. The art in this book depict stories from the Bible to illuminate God's word. The images can be viewed by a child one level, while an adult can view the same image and be led into a more complex understanding of the Creator. Often seeing things from a different point of view can give us fresh insight into God's plan for our world and our lives. These stories of the ancient world come alive in pictures and show all of us why God’s word is still important and relevant today.

            What if you could see the world as God sees it – not only with an open mind, but with an open heart? Come! Discover what God has been trying to show us all along. God will meet you wherever and however you are…Right Here, Right Now!

            We invite you to participate in this series of Free webinars and on-line discussions. The Webinars will “go-live” every Monday evening beginning on Sept 26th through on-line invitation.  The time is from 8PM to 9PM.  To sign up please email us at  You will be given an invitation link and the syllabus for the year as well as the free color PDF of the book. Missed seminars can be seen on YouTube at The Heart of Discipleship channel.

Grace & Peace!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

St. Philomena Church Trip to See SAMSON

               ST. PHILOMENA CHURCH
              and Touriffic Travel present:

Sight & Sound Millennium Theatre

Lancaster, Pa

           TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2016

The world’s first superhero … the strongest man who ever lived…. He killed a lion with his bare hands and defeated a thousand soldiers … but he’s not a hero because of the strength of his hands, he’s a hero because of the faith in his heart! One of the most captivating stories in the Bible, SAMSON is filled with colorful characters, extraordinary feats of strength, and amazing special effects that your whole family will love. When Samson stands between two colossal columns in a godless temple and starts to push – it’s an immersive scene that literally brings the house down! A message of hope for the wayward, comfort to the weary and the incredible grace of God that enables us to truly be strong in Him!

Daytrip Itinerary:
10:00am         Depart St. Philomena Church via deluxe Celebrity Motorcoach
11:30am         Arrive at Shady Maple. Enjoy a bountiful Smorgasbord Lunch. Lancaster County's     largest smorgasbord featuring authentic Pennsylvania Dutch cooking. You won’t go away hungry! Make sure to visit their spectacular gift shop afterwards.
1:15pm           Depart for the Theatre
2:00pm           Arrive at Theatre – Take your Center Orchestra Seat!
2:45pm           Show begins. Enjoy!
5:15pm           Departure from Theatre
7:00pm           (Approx.) Return Home
                                                            $ 106.00 Per Person
For Reservations, please contact Marie Chenoweth - (610) 622-0972

Booking Information: Payment is required as soon as possible to confirm your reservation. Sign-up Early!! No refunds unless a replacement is made. Show tickets are non-refundable. Gratuity to driver is included. Touriffic Travel, their employees, representatives and suppliers act solely as agents in arranging for transportation and other services and do not assume any liability whatsoever for injury, damage, loss, death, accident or delay due to any act, negligence or default of any company or person engaged in rendering any services for any tour.

             Make your check payable to St. Philomena Church and remit with coupon to:
                         Marie Chenoweth - 307 Lincoln Avenue - Lansdowne, PA 19050
St. Philomena Church/Touriffic Travel/Sight & Sound-Samson/10-18-16
Traveling With:_____________________________________
CELL #______________________________________
Emergency Contact:____________________________________

Announcing "God Talk" Webinar Series

God Talk 2016/2017

The Heart of Discipleship

Come see and experience God's story and have the Bible and your faith come alive!

            The Heart of Discipleship is excited to present a Christian adult formation series of webinars that will enrich your understanding of the Bible as well as strengthen your relationship with God and others.

            Is God Relevant in your life? The Deacon Carmen J. Viola will be pointing us towards self-discovery and a bigger way of seeing and experiencing God. Let those who have eyes see! Carmen’s webinars will use visuals from his new book as well as images from his trips to Israel to make biblical concepts come alive.  Come join us.  If you sign up before Sept 30th you will also receive the PDF copy of The Heart of Discipleship for free.

            It has often been said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” During the Middle Ages, churches used vivid imagery, including stained glass windows and paintings, to tell God’s story. Prior to the modern era, most people could not read or write so they relied on pictures and religious interpreters to understand the Bible. Pictures, for many of us, are still a powerful way to share stories and understand biblical context. 

            The book by Carmen Viola is beautifully illustrated and involves you in the ongoing conversation and narrative of what it means to follow Jesus. The illustrations in this book depict stories from the Bible to illuminate God's word. The images can be viewed by a child one level, while an adult can view the same image and be led into a more complex understanding of the Creator. Often seeing things from a different point of view can give us fresh insight into God's plan for our world and our lives. These stories of the ancient world come alive in pictures and show all of us why God’s word is still important and relevant today.

            What if you could see the world as God sees it – not only with an open mind, but with an open heart? Come! Discover what God has been trying to show us all along. God will meet you wherever and however you are…Right Here, Right Now!

            We invite you to participate in this series of Free webinars and on-line discussions. The Webinars will “go-live” every Monday evening beginning on Sept 26th through on-line invitation.  The time is from 8PM to 9PM.  To sign up please email us at You will be given an invitation link and the syllabus for the year as well as the free color PDF of the book. Missed seminars can be seen on YouTube at The Heart of Discipleship channel.

Grace & Peace!