– The gift is in the giving!
of the Holidays are surrounded with the giving and receiving of gifts. Giving and Receiving are ingrained into the
very way of our existence. You can’t
just breathe in for instance. You can’t
just receive without giving. When I was
in Israel the locals would say that the Dead Sea is “dead” because it only
receives from the rivers around it. It
gives nothing back! Jesus sat down
opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper
coins. Then he called his disciples and
said to them, “truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all the
others. For all of them have given from
their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had.” Jesus
had no interest in judging the people, only in observing this women’s
heart. She was giving from a certain mindset,
not just a way of thinking but more importantly a way of being! She gave from a different reality - that of
the kingdom of God.
Biblical way of generosity goes something like this: EVERYTHING we have is a gift; even the means
to earn a living is a gift! Every breath
we take and every talent we have are all gifts from the grace of God. So giving is the natural act of sharing these
gifts with our community in the kingdom of God.
Jesus actually talks more on the subject of possessions vs. anything
else – WHY; because Jesus knows our hearts.
He knows we often serve our “stuff”.
He wants us to put God first in our lives and to live from that
reality. Paul tells us that it is better
to give than to receive. In the Greco - Roman
culture giving was seen in a reciprocal way.
One gives with the expectation of later receiving something in return –
an if/then mindset! Our culture operates
in much the same way. At Christmas many
of us give a gift expecting one in return.
Some of us even look at God as a kind of vending machine: we put in our
time, money or prayers and we want something from God in return.
order to be a giving person we must first live into that reality. It is in the very act of giving that we become
generous - not in thinking about it or by looking at our finances. Our Rituals: like stewardship, advent, Christmas…and
every Sunday are opportunities for us to enter into a practice which shapes our
hearts and conversely shapes our reality!
When our hearts reveal that everything we have is a gift, then giving
becomes natural. It’s not ours to hold but
ours to share. This is how we connect
with one another - this is how we connect with God! Generosity comes from the heart - It is never
about money! Emerson said “Jewels and
Rings are not gifts but apologies for gifts.
The only true gift is giving a portion of thyself!” God wants the same thing. God wants us, our hearts, even as He reaches
out with all that God has in the person of Jesus. God’s being lives into the reality that it is
more blessed to give than to receive!
is more than money involved in this story of Jesus and the woman in the Temple.
It is a principle of life, it’s the
kingdom of God made manifest – it is the face of God’s Grace. All I am is His. God owns it all. There is nothing in my life
that does not first belong to Him. When
we give to others in selfless acts and when we share communal love with one
another we come to see that the kingdom of God is within reach - within
us. This is where God is - Emmanuel -
God with us.
models this heart of giving by giving all of himself for us. Each Sunday when we enter the church and we
give of ourselves - to each other and to God.
We offer presents upon the altar.
We share in the sacrificial feast - given in love to a community of
love. When experienced this way, each
Sunday too becomes the act of giving and receiving – as natural as breathing in
and out.
Here we come to realize that God
is, was, and will be with us always in the giving of oneself! We remember each Sunday and we remember each
Christmastime. This peace...this
stillness...this feeling of being at One with all of creation. This is the real gift we give to our children
and to one another. Just as this is the
gift that God gives to each one of us.
This is Christmas! Right here is
Emmanuel - Right here God is truly with us.
Merry Christmas!
Your faithful servant,
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