Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Fragile Vessels

Fragile Vessels

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience 
but spiritual beings having a human experience"
- Pierre Telhard Chardin

     We are all fragile vessels created by the potter. We all get cracked and broken occasionally. People hurt us, abandon us, betray us, disappoint us. We disappoint us. And we break. But it is through those fractures, through those breaks that the grace of God can enter in and help heal us. 

     God does not make mistakes. There is a reason for everything even if we do not see it immediately. I have always found that when you reach the lowest point in the valley, that the only way to go is up. And slowly we find our way again. 

    One thing that we all need to remember, as Christian, is that Christ unconditionally forgave us through his sacrifice. He gave us the perfect examples of how we should live our lives in order to reach heaven. I believe that unconditional forgiveness is one of the key examples.

    We need to forgive those who we feel have caused us injury and we need to do it unconditionally with no expectation of recompense.  There is an axiom that ‘Hurt people, hurt people’.  Understanding this we may better understand that the offender may, themselves, have been hurt or are hurting.  Forgiveness to them can have a profound impact on their being and for that matter could have an impact on their future generations. To take forgiveness a step further, most times the only one hurt by your withholding forgiveness is you.  That wound is still open and until you truly forgive, it may never heal.  

     There is also one other individual that we tend to forget when it comes to forgiveness.  We need to forgive ourselves.  We all make mistakes, bad choices even if no one else is aware and we all beat ourselves up time and time again.  We need to forgive ourselves.  The past is the past and we cannot change it.  However, today and hopefully tomorrow could be brighter and more alive if we just let it go….and let God!
Grace and Peace,

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